Support Antoine… and make a difference! | Fondation la Traversée

Antoine à la montagne

Why encourage Antoine with his ski challenge?

Because his goal is to raise $5,000 for La Foundation La Traversée by skiing every day until the end of the ski season!

Antoine is an orderly at La Maison La Traversée Palliative Care Home and has generously offered to raise funds for the Foundation. His work with the residents has inspired him to spread the word about the great need for a home like ours in the Upper Laurentians and the necessity for financial support in order to ensure the continuity of our services.

Antoine will post on Facebook a video and/or photos taken during his ski day and will share with you comments from his day on the slopes. You may see him wearing some ridiculous flashy outfit. He can easily be identified by the Foundation La Traversée logo. If you have a fun costume for Antoine, let him know. He may agree to wear it.

Be assured that we will keep you informed about the progress of Antoine’s fundraising endeavor!

So don’t wait any longer… Encourage Antoine in this long-term ski challenge by giving generously!


Donate to encourage Antoine

A tax receipt for contributions of $20 or more.

Antoine en flamant rose

Choose a challenge for Antoine

Send your proposals to and he will get back to you quickly.

Antoine et ses skis

Mention your company with Antoine

Antoine will mention your company’s name on his video clips.

This Campaign has ended. No more pledges can be made.

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