Friendly hockey games 2022 | Fondation la Traversée

Fondation La Traversée would like to extend its warmest thanks to all the teams and individual players who participated in the hockey tournament on Sunday, April 24th, 2022.

A huge thank you to Birra Fanelli for the beer, Outils-Tremblant for the BBQ, IGA for sponsoring the food, the city of Mont-Tremblant for the ice rink and Petits plaisirs et babioles by Christine-Carole Verdon for the beautiful T-shirts!

We would also like to thank the women’s hockey league Les Palettes Roses for supporting this fundraising endeavour and especially Renée-Claude Gélinas for helping us organize this event.

A sincere thank you to Diane, the winner of the 50/50 draw, who donated her winnings to the Fondation.

Fondation La Traversée greatly appreciates the enormous effort that was made by the organizing team and the volunteers. Thank you also to all the players and referees for participating in this event.

With your help, we raised over $5,500. The money raised will help to support the care, comfort and well-being of our residents at the end of their lives.

Thank you and hope to see you again at our next hockey event!

This Campaign has ended. No more pledges can be made.

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