Fifty-fifty raffle – September 2022 | Fondation la Traversée

It is with great pleasure that we handed over a cheque of $1,425 on September 29th, 2022 to Mrs. Lise Prévost, winner of the last fifty-fifty raffle.

Thanks to all of you, our ticket sales are increasing at each raffle, resulting in a ever-increasing prize.

We will start the next edition of our fifty-fifty raffle on October 7th and the draw will take place on October 17th, 2022.

Watch for our next posts on Facebook to purchase your tickets, and like Mrs. Prévost, you could win the big prize.

A big THANK YOU to all participants and stay tuned for our next fifty-fifty raffle.

On the picture: Mrs. Susan Kovac, Executive Director of the Maison La Traversée with Mrs. Lise Prévost.

This Campaign has ended. No more pledges can be made.